I started this lesson thinking, "A search engine is a search engine. Can they really be that different?" Yes! They can! The most useful new search engine I found was Carrot Search! Now, I don't know that for my particular group of students that this would be too useful for them, but it will definitely be helpful to me in preparing for them. It is extremely difficult to find resources, "worksheets" and other lists for Spanish. You have to type in very specific things in order to find what you are looking for. Often times, searches take forever and it actually ends up being quicker to just make something from scratch yourself.
With doubts in my head, I typed in "Stem changing verbs" as a very general search to see how the site worked and how it was organized. It not only found what I was looking for, but organized my results by tense and topic. I could find present tense verbs, instructions for conjugations and even practice activities! It was like the internet heard my prayers for a more streamlined and organized way to find what I was looking for! Amazing! It even linked my to YouTube videos that explained the topic and wikibooks that included online, interactive practice!
This is a teacher win, for sure!!!
Wow, that's a really cool result from Carrot Search!